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Poland to adapt schools and public buildings as emergency shelters

11.03.2025 11:55
The Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) has released details of a draft regulation on this matter, which has been submitted for interdepartmental consultations.
Illustrative photo
Illustrative photo(fsHH/Pixaby.com/CC0)

In case of an emergency, shelters will be available in public administration, social assistance, education, culture, tourism, and sports buildings.

These locations must have at least one underground level and, if necessary, be able to accommodate more than 50 people in their usable area.

For larger facilities, the criteria will be the ability to shelter over 100 people and a total area exceeding 2,500 square meters.

Although Poland plans to allocate PLN 6 billion (€1.43 billion) annually for this purpose, spending the full amount in 2025 will not be feasible.

According to the news portal tvn24.pl, the priority will remain training local government officials and developing additional legal regulations.

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Source: PAP/MSWiA/tvn24.pl