The place is founded and run by the "Abortion Dream Team" organization, and is financed entirely from an ongoing online fundraiser.
It is not an abortion clinic - there is no doctor on site and no medical procedures are performed. However, one can get there thorough information on getting an abortion, as well as help with a medical abortion (a non-surgical procedure, possible more-less till the 12th week of pregnancy).
"We provide information and access to medicines that people from Poland order en masse online from non-governmental organizations. We also give support and psychological help."
- told Polish Radio Kinga Jelińska, a co-founder of the Abortion Dream Team non-profit, established in response to Poland's draconian anti-abortion laws - tightened by the previous conservative Law and Justice government, and still not dismantled by the current, liberal government led by the Civic Coalition.
The location of the institution was not chosen by accident. As the Abortion Dream Team's Justyna Wydrzyńska pointed out - in addition to providing help to women, the facility is also intended to remind politicians working just across the street about the abortion laws issue in Poland.
"You pretend that abortion does not exist, so we will do it before your eyes. You will have to face it and - finally you will have to start thinking about women's needs."
- Justyna Wydrzyńska told Polish Radio.
The opening of the Abotak abortion point was accompanied by protests organized by Poland's pro-life and far-right organizations. The protesters covered windows of the clinic with anti-abortion banners, slogans opposing abortion were chanted and prayers for unborn children were said. The police kept order at the scene.
Krzysztof Kasprzak, a board member of the "Life And Family" foundation, who took part in the demonstration, announced that the protests will continue as long as the abortion point is open.
"In clinics, people shall be treated, not killed. This is an example of the fall of the Polish state. We will definitely act where the state does not, where it allows for breaking the law. We will remain here until the Polish state gets its act together."
- Krzysztof Kasprzak told Polish Radio.
The Abotak abortion clinic operates thanks to an online fundraiser, in which the organizers managed to collect over 36.000 Euro. The fundraising effort will continue and - as the Abortion Dream Team representatives announced - the facility will operate as long as Poles financially support its operation.
Source: PAP, IAR