The incident was reported to the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in the regional capital Szczecin earlier this week.
Inspectors confirmed the presence of the dead fish at the scene but did not observe any unusual smells or visible pollutants in the water.
Initial inspections did not reveal obvious causes for the fish deaths.
Cause of fish deaths under investigation
Authorities hope that water tests, including analysis for heavy metals and other chemicals, will make it possible to determine whether the fish died from poisoning or if harmful substances had entered the water.
On March 12, numerous dead fish were found drifting in a tributary flowing into Lake Jamno in Mielno, a resort town in northwestern Poland. Photo: PAP/Piotr Kowala
Water samples have been sent to the Central Research Laboratory in Szczecin for further analysis.
The mass fish death was first reported by residents and officials in the resort town of Mielno.
11 marca, w Mielnie, dziesiątki tysięcy martwych i umierających ryb znajdowały się w kanale wpadającym do Jeziora Jamno....
Opublikowany przez Spotted Koszalin Środa, 12 marca 2025
Source: IAR/PAP/X/@WIOS_Szczecin/