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Pole appointed to head Toyota Norway

04.01.2023 21:30
A Polish executive has been appointed president of Toyota Norway, the car manufacturer has said.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by No-longer-here from Pixabay

Announcing a number of executive changes effective January 1, Toyota Motor Europe (TME) wrote on its website: “Mr. Piotr Pawlak, currently Technical Head of Special Projects at TME will be appointed as President of Toyota Norway.”

Toyota added: “He succeeds Mr. Dimitris Tripospitis, who will return to TME as Head of Lexus Europe."

Pawlak tweeted on Monday: “Very humbled and proud to announce that I am officially starting today as President of Toyota Norway."

His post featured a photo with a breathtaking view from his office window that instantly went viral, the gazeta.pl website reported.

Pawlak later said that “this is probably the best view from a Toyota office in all of Europe.”

He added that the building is located on the outskirts of the city of Drammen, "with the compelling Drammensfjord in plain view, the fjord after which the city is named."

Gazeta.pl reported that the new head of Toyota Norway is the son of Jacek Pawlak, president of Toyota Central Europe, who is responsible for the operations and development of the Toyota and Lexus brands in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

After years of working for competing manufacturers, the pair will now join forces heading national divisions of one car maker, gazeta.pl said.

On April 1, 2022, Toyota moved its Central Europe headquarters from Budapest to Warsaw and adopted the name Toyota Central Europe.

According to Toyota, the merger of the representative offices in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary was aimed at improving the effectiveness of the Toyota and Lexus brands in the Central European markets.


Sources: gazeta.pl, newsroom.toyota.eu